What I Did Today

Today I got up, had breakfast and went to school.  Me and my Gran and Di/Granddad were taking me to school today.  Before I went to school I built Lego and fought my Di with pretend light sabers.  We walked to school.  There was Enjoy-a-ball which was fun and we also needed to do language.  I went to Clarks after school instead of going home because one of my trainers wasn’t right.   

Friendship bracelet

Our class is going to make a friendship bracelet today.

Follow these instructions to make a fab friendship bracelet.

Step 1

Choose 6 people how you care about as in Tom, Mummy, Daddy, Dolly Lewis and Beau.

Step 2 Choose a different colour wool for each person on your list.All the same length.

Step 3 Tie all the wools together at one end.

Step 4 Tape the knotted end to a table.

Step 5 Twist or plait the wool together to make a pattern.

Step 6 Ask someone to help you tie  the bracelet around your wrist.

I’m going to make one to.

What I Did At School Today

Today I got up, had breakfast.  Instead of my mummy taking me to school it was my daddy.

The teacher, Mrs. V said” you need to flip to page 5 and P.6″.

When I handed over the book to Mrs. V it was all right.

After that it was playtime.

When we all got back in the teacher put on Youtube.

We listened to 2 poems.

The teacher said” you have to chose one of the poem to choose from”.

We listened to some of the class reading it with expression.

Then we want to French.

Then we came back from French and me and Blair done our poem.

My Christmas Holiday

imageHi world. I want to tell you about my Christmas holiday.   I went to see Waking with dinosaurs the 3D movie.  I  Went to see Frozen and The Harry Hill movie.  I got Phineas and Ferb cuddly toys, a magic trick set and my 3ds.

My Weekend

I was in a show on Satarday.  The show was called THE CRISTMAS JOLLY POSTMAN.  I was the postman.  Everyone, from  Sunny stars.  On Sunday  my family had a lazy morning but in the saf. noon we went to the Helex. When we got home, my daddy ordered lego on Amason.         

My friend

I interviewed Beau.  Beau plays football a lot.  Beau` s birthday is August the twenty eight.  Beau lives in Carronshore.  Beau`s best friend is me.  He likes playing with his toy cars.